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Welcome to our website! We are White Mess, an explosive enrgetic rock band producing raw and original music on the Sheffield music scene. The band fuse together a unique sound from different influences making our songs fuelled full of mega riffs, massive vocals, pounding drums and huge baselines.


The band consists of Stitch, Jack, Harry and JP and we formed in 2014. Christian Carlisle from BBC Introducing Sheffield soon said White Mess is the "Late contender for one of the best new bands we've heard this year!". Currently unsigned, we have been rehearsing and touring around the local area. We've played in venues like Corporation, The Frog and Parrot and West Street Live.


We are expecting so much more to happen in 2015. We released our debut single Let The Fire Burn as a free download on soundcloud and are following it up with You're So Sassy. We are constantly rehearsing, recording and gigging and getting our music heard. We want to produce as much White Mess as possible!





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